I love beautiful plants and flowers, but I do not enjoy gardening. You know that garden plaque saying about being in a garden is like being a little closer to heaven? Well not for me! So every spring I tell God that I will do the planting, but it would be really great if He did the watering. Most summers many of my plants die, because I don't water them. Not this year! This year God is doing all the watering! I only had to water once this summer. Yay!!! Thank You, God!
The hydrangeas in this area are absolutely stunning! The berries are growing in abundance. My flower boxes are thriving. The trees and shrubbery are amazingly lush.
We have been having a lot of rain and humidity. The sky has been looking a bit dreary. If we choose to look at the beauty this weather is bringing we will find it in abundance.
Thank You, God, for watering the flowers and plants and making the scenery even more stunning!
Love that bouquet of zinnias! Would make a pretty painting!