Have you heard of Alexandra Stoddard? Years ago, when my children were very little, I listened to a speaker who gave a talk called "Mother's Matter." It was excellent! At the end of the lecture the speaker gave us a list of books that she recommended. I read all of them. There was one author who was on the list multiple times - Alexandra Stoddard. Alexandra writes beautifully illustrated books about decorating and living beautiful lives. I love her books! One of her books is a Book of Days. This is a book that one can use as an appointment book or as a record/diary. I use this book as a record/diary. It is filled with inspirational quotes written by Alexandra and others.
This mornings quote was:
"Whatever you do, be in a loving frame of consciousness. Everything will then become sacred. Love is all we need."
I love that quote. I want to live like that. Think about how joyful and peaceful our lives would be if we did everything in a "loving frame of consciousness." Wake up, shower, eat, do laundry, drive, work, spend time with family and friends, exercise, read, etc. - all in a "loving frame of consciousness." I am going to choose to do so. I am beginning now.
Today I am grateful for the speaker who led me to Alexandra Stoddard and for Alexandra Stoddard who chooses to do everything in a "loving frame of consciousness."