Thursday, September 1, 2011
I Am Blessed!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I Love Summer!
I love summer-time! No, I don’t love the beach. No, I don’t love to swim. No, I don’t love the heat. I’m a teacher, and I love having ten weeks to read, write, knit, felt, run, take care of my home and spend lots of time with family and friends every summer. However, this summer was especially wonderful. This may sound strange, but my husband was laid off on July 15, and it was a good thing. It was a good thing because we had lots of time to spend together. We had coffee together every day. We ate meals together. We had cocktails hour together. I love my husband, and I love being with him. This summer was wonderful! Thank You, God, for a career that blesses me with the summer off. Thank You, God, for the summer of 2011.
Image link:
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Zucchini Cupcakes
A Different Kind of Calendar
Monday, August 29, 2011
Gary is cleaning out the pool after Hurricane Irene. Thank You, God, that we did not suffer damage from the hurricane.
I spent the day setting up my classroom. Thank You, God, for my beautiful classroom.
First, he came to help me at school. He is the best husband in the world! Thank You, God, for Gary.
I am so blessed.
Monday, August 29, 2011
The Beginning: My Inspiration for A Calendar of Gratitude
1. for the most fantastic magazine, Artful Blogging.
2. Kim Crane – – for her article “The Accidental Challenge” featured in Artful Blogging.
3. Lori Portka – – for her article “A Hundred Reasons to be Grateful” featured in Artful Blogging.
I was inspired by both Kim and Lori to create this blog. I thank both of them for sharing their passions. I thank the publishers at Artful Blogging for their wonderful magazine. I thank God for bringing Kim, Lori, and Artful Blogging to me and inspiring me to create “A Calendar of Gratitude.” Thank You!